Session 2 Practices of Agile in Education

Reflection & Continuous Growth | 5 Scrum Values | Multiple Intelligences | Agile Engagement Strategies | Brainstorm

Agile in Education Practices

You will develop and uncover the practices of Agile in Education. Whether you are an educator or someone who works with educators, this session will reveal ways you can innovate with educational leaders and teachers to bring Agile into their Educational settings.

The Agile in Education Compass introduced in Session 1 will be a guide for bringing agility into various educational settings that focus on the building blocks of our cornerstones. Those building blocks include Communicating Effectively, Human Diversity, Self-Direction, Ownership, Continuous Growth, Experience, Real Lessons, and Deepening Understanding.

Agile in Education Compass

Reflection and Continuous Growth

Reflect upon your learning from Session 1 to help with your continuous growth throughout this training. There is 1 question to respond to on the padlet.

Padlet Question:

Choose 3 words or pictures to describe your biggest takeaways.

Note: Padlet Features are best experienced on Laptop & Desktop computers

5 Scrum Values

Explore the 5 Scrum Values and how they help to create a more agile environment. These values include Commitment, Courage, Focus, Openness, and Respect. When viewing the video, think of how these values present themselves in your current setting and how they could be implemented in an educational setting.

Embracing New Concepts

Embracing new is not easy and that's why it's critical to see these values through the lens of what education could be. Commitment is a value lived out daily in the world of education. Courage and openness, on the other hand, can be harder to live out in some educational environments. Imagine what it could look like if courage was valued and taking risks were rewarded, regardless of the outcome, as it is through risk-taking that learning truly happens. Imagine becoming so trusting in the process that openness is celebrated because it acknowledges our capacity. Focus and respect would acknowledge our desire to see tasks completed and that those involved will do what they say and do it well. That is what being agile in education looks like.

Reflect on how you learn and how your learning preferences led you to where you are today. The next segment will focus on you as a learner and how it impacts those you meet and teach within your educational setting through the lens of Multiple Intelligences.

Multiple Intelligences

Howard Gardner's theory of Multiple Intelligences dispels the myth that people are predisposed to one way of learning and/or teaching. Instead, the focus is on how individuals utilize many different bits of intelligence in order to learn and instruct others. The human brain is not a simple machine fixed on one point of entry in regards to learning. Instead, it utilizes different points of entry to learn information from multiple angles in order to create a multi-faceted understanding. This video provides a brief overview of the eight different kinds of Multiple Intelligences.

This slideshow explains each type of intelligence and how it may present itself in a learning format. When reading, look for a comparison to yourself. Do some of these resonate more deeply with you than others?

Check your score for each section after you have taken the survey. Any intelligence that has a score of 5 or more indicates a strength.

There are 2 questions to respond to on the padlet.

Padlet Questions:

Share out your Multiple Intelligence strength(s).

  1. How can your personal learning preference impact or bias your teaching or coaching practices?

  2. Why is this awareness important when working with others?

*Please add your name to the end of your posted response.

Agile Engagement Strategies

Let's focus on the Agile Compass building blocks pertaining to Experience and Ownership. Within any learning environment, it's important to engage those who are participating. One way to do that is to build on their experiences and allow for ownership. These links provide strategies that will encourage student experience and ownership to be developed within any learning format.

Please explore 2-3 different links.

You will be using what you have learned to help answer the next questions.

One of the goals of Agile in Education is to increase student engagement, autonomy, voice and choice. There are 2 questions to respond to on the padlet.

Padlet Questions:

  1. Please give an example of how you can do this within your current role.

  2. Please provide a strategy that can increase student voice and choice.

*Please add your name to the end of your posted response.

The End of Session 2

Session 3 will build a student-learning environment toolbox incorporating retrospectives and reflection components. The goal is to identify success, discuss pitfalls, and improve through iterations.

Begin Session 3