Session 1 The Philosophy of Agile in Education

Blueprint Journey | Connecting Agile & Scrum | The New & Improved Scrum Guide | The Agile Manifesto & The Agile In Education Compass | Global Community

Agile Philosophy

This session is designed to provide contextual understanding behind Agile in Education. The context behind the why will help you plot your course for what is to come.


Note: In these sessions, we will have discussion boards taking place with an online app called Padlet. This app works best with laptop and desktop devices. Here is a short video on how Padlet works.

Blueprint Journey

Agile in Education is at the heart of what Blueprint is and how we want our students to be as they become champions of their own learning. Please view the video now.

After watching the video, please answer the padlet discussion question.

There is 1 question to respond to on the padlet.

Note: Padlet Features are best experienced on Laptop & Desktop computers

Connecting Agile and Scrum


Agile values individuals and interactions over processes and tools, working software over comprehensive documentation, customer interaction over contract negotiation and responding to change over following a plan.


A framework that delivers a product of value and moves the product towards a goal. This is accomplished through focus, openness, respect, commitment, and courage.

Agile and Scrum are Connected

This video describes how Agile and Scrum are connected and how they help set the foundation for Agile in Education. Please view the video now.

The New and Improved Scrum Guide

In addition to utilizing Agile in Education, Blueprint operationally uses the scrum framework. Our scrum teams are cross-functional to provide multiple perspectives from the get go. Teams choose stories pertaining to their current sprint backlog which may include student communication, student academic progress, procedure innovations, professional development and curriculum innovations. The scrum framework helps us break complex stories into tangible 24 hour work.

Please review the Interactive Scrum Guide now. Think about how the scrum framework might look in an educational setting. After reviewing the guide, please answer the padlet discussion question.

There is 1 question to respond to on the padlet.

Note: Padlet Features are best experienced on Laptop & Desktop computers

Agile Manifesto and the Agile in Education Compass

"At the core (Agile Manifesto), I believe Agile Methodologists are really about "mushy" stuff-about delivering good products to customers by operating in an environment that does more than talk about "people as our most important asset" but actually "acts" as if people were the most important asset" and lose the word "asset". " (Jim Highsmith - The Agile Alliance) Use the scroll bars on the image to read more about the Agile Manifesto.

The Agile in Education Compass had to begin somewhere and it was created in correlation to the Agile Manifesto and its response to software developers and their need to meet consumer needs. The Manifesto states what it means to be Agile and the purpose behind its creation. The Agile in Education Compass came about through the notion that the same principles and qualities that are used in Agile can be applied to an education setting as well. A team came together to discuss the primary needs of Agile in education and thus the Agile in Education Compass was born. Click on the image to read more about the Agile in Education Compass.

After reviewing the Agile Manifesto and the Agile in Education Compass, please answer the padlet discussion question.

There is 1 question to respond to on the padlet.

Note: Padlet Features are best experienced on Laptop & Desktop computers

The Global Community

Please click on the links below and discover the journey of Agile in Education and the many organizations that have contributed as part of the Global Community. See how far Agile in Education has come and also the different ways Agile in Education is being utilized through various national and international educational organizations.

The End of Session 1

Session 2 will introduce the practices of Agile in Education to explore partnerships with educational leaders and teachers to implement Agile into their educational settings. Begin Session 2